Monday, April 9, 2012

Hello Space 11!

Happy Easter Space 11! 
I hope you are all having a fun and safe holiday.  I spent the weekend at Papamoa beach.  It was beautiful weather and the water was warm enough to have a swim.  If you want to tell me and the rest of the class what you have been doing during the holidays, leave a comment on this post!
See you all in 2 weeks :)

Love from Mrs Peden


  1. my mum got a pass to go to the big SSSPPPPPPLLLLLAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHH it was very fun. me and my mum got to sit in t he front of the boat

  2. I miss you mrs peden happy holidays!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Shawney and Armanii! Great to hear from you. I miss you too. I haven't been on the big splash yet but it looks like lots of fun. I have seen the ad on TV and it has Charlotte and Keegan from school in it!! Enjoy the rest of your holidays :)

  4. Hi Mrs Peden, We have had lots of fun for our holidays so far. We went to Little Waihi and stayed at the beach for 3 nights with my sisters. We went kayaking and on the tyres and then we jumped off the wharf. We also did some fishing but didnt catch anything. My sisters went back to Australia today. I hope you have had a good holiday!

  5. Wow Darcy you have done a lot already and you still have another whole week of holiday to go!! I have also been fishing and we didn't catch anything either :( It sounds like your sisters would have had a fun time visiting you too! It was nice to meet them at assembly. Anyway I hope the rest of you holiday is just as fun. Stay safe!

  6. Hi Mrs Peden how are you? Guess what me and Aroha did? We went to the movies and we watched The Pirates. It was really funny. Today I am sick. Getting better though. My Nana is here. We are going to Whakatane hospital to see my great granddad. He is now well. Hope you have had a good holiday.

  7. Hi Mariah, I am good thanks. It is sad to hear that you are sick. You will have to look after yourself so you are ready to come back to school on Monday. It's also sad that your great-grandad is in hospital. I am sure that he will be happy that you went to visit him. Enjoy your last 2 days of holiday and I will see you on Monday!
    Love Mrs Peden

  8. hi mrs peden i went to the movies on a tuseday with my mum to see the lorax.I saw Jasmine,Jayden and Tyreece.

  9. hi mrs peden we just got internet hooked up and now im on it like theres no tomorrow. what have u been doing bye



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